Monday, June 9, 2008

Justin's Pics

Justin took all of the pictures in this post on nights I was not at home last week.

watching some hockey - The "poon-yinz" (Penguins) as Logan says, which is perfect since "yinz" is a real word in Pittsburgh

Tolan was loving the camera attention:

These pictures are from last night, Justin was playing the guitar and Logan was playing along on the ukulele as usual, but he must have been very tired


Kari Hancock said...

The boys are getting so BIG!!! That picture of Logan asleep is ADORABLE. What cute kids you have!! :) I MISS YOU!! My students watched our video from Riverside in class the other day and it brought back such fun memories.. I miss those days!

Crystal said...

Hi Claire, I just came across your blog from another blog. I love this picture of Logan asleep with the ukulele. Your boys are so cute! I can't believe Tolan is about to walk.

Thanks for dinner last week (I think), it was really good and it saved me for two nights :)

Will have to go check out your recipe blog now.