Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Pictures

We actually took the time to take a picture all together. This is the best one we got and I'm happy with it. We also tried to take pictures of just the kids. Logan was being kind of a stinker so we didn't get any good ones of him, but Tolan was really loving the attention and being so cute, so we got some great ones of him, which is usually pretty hard to do.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

As you can see, between the two sets of grandparents L & T had quite a Christmas morning! I think they were a little overwhelmed at first, but they love their new cars and other gifts too!

Logan checked out the truck first...

Then they looked at the Jeep

Tolan was liking his turn in the truck
He got his new shades out of his stocking and went for the firetruck next
Thanks to our parents for the great gifts!

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Christmas Eve

We went down to Justin's sister's for Christmas Eve.

These are all of L & T's cousins. After dinner we attempted to do a little play of the Nativity along with the scriptures. Well you can imagine how that went when all the kids wanted to get to this part:
A bird's eye view of the craziness of the cousins' gift exchange

I'm trying to help L & T open some presents. They were pretty excited!
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

The End of the Dinosaur

We got a new camera for Christmas - woo hoo! So I'm finally pulling these last pictures off of our old dinosaur of a camera.

Justin's birthday was a month ago, but these are the peanut butter cup cupcakes & card I made for him.

Here are some of the cinnamon roll Christmas trees I made again this year. I made 10 this year - I was supposed to make 14, but ran out of time and had to make something simpler & less time-consuming for Justin's HT families. They weren't shorted though - they got chocolate chip cookie dough brownies, it just wasn't as Christmasy.

I will post Christmas pictures later!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


What is your husbands name? Justin William
How long have you been married? our 4-year anniversary is in a few weeks
How long did you date? 4 months before we were officially engaged. (no wonder my dad wanted us to wait till spring to get married! that sounds crazy!)
How old is he? just turned 28
Who eats more sweets? definitely me!
Who said I love you first? Justin
Who is taller? Justin
Who can sing the best? Justin is the karaoke star in our house
Who is smarter? depends on the topic
Who does the laundry? Justin doesn't even know how to use the washer
Who pays the bills? Justin, but he has been transitioning me into the process
Who mows the lawn? Justin, but I did do it once so he could do homework
Who cooks dinner? Justin is actually a really good cook, but I always make dinner - except on Mother's Day & my birthday - then he plans & cooks a whole elaborate day of meals
Who drives? usually Justin, except when I pick him up from work
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I don't know about admitting he is wrong, but he is definitely first to apologize. I like to stay mad
Who kissed who first? after just getting out of a long-term relationship Justin just wanted to "take it slow" but he did eventually kiss me, although I wouldn't call only 4 months of dating before getting engaged "taking it slow"
Who asked who out first? Justin asked. we went to dinner, drove golf balls & went to karaoke (at a bar - i like to tease him that he took me to a bar on our first date)
Who wears the pants? depends on what it is

The rules for this tag: answer questions about your spouse, list names of people you are tagging in your post, then leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged. I'm tagging Erin G. & Kari (sorry guys!)