Monday, October 27, 2008

Trunk or Treat

We had L & T go trunk-or-treating with all of their cousins and Grandma & Grandpa at Justin's sister's ward. I made Logan's Batman costume and Tolan wore Logan's monkey costume from last year. Logan was pretty tired, so we didn't get a lot of pictures of him b/c he spent most of the time sleeping in the car and sitting in the stroller, but Tolan had us chasing him all over the place.

They apparently take trunk-or-treating seriously in their ward, yes there is a trunk under there. Needless to say, Logan refused to go and get candy from this car.

Tolan, although unsure about this mummy, is a little more fearless about this Halloween stuff

He was a monkey, but a lot of people thought he was a lion, especially when he wasn't wearing the hat. Same thing last year when Logan wore it.

We each chased him around the parking lot at least once.

Still wandering around...

Logan and Hannah

Logan got his candy and retreated to the batcave

Grandma & Grandpa Shook's Visit

Justin's parents were here visiting this past week, and we were busy doing lots of things. Justin took a few days off of work and we got to go to the temple one day, the cannery another day, and we got to go on a date to the movies one night. Logan & Tolan spent lots of time playing with their cousins and we got to eat tons of good food - Mesa Rosa, Chuy's, and Salt Lick. Since grandparents were here I was able to go for a kid & stroller-free run each morning instead of the usual walk with the double stroller, which was great since since we ate so much this week...

One of the days we decided to treat Logan to one of his favorite things - the "bounce-bounce"
Logan was too busy to have his picture taken & it was hard to get a good one of Tolan too, but they had a good time

New Pictures

We still haven't found the camera cord, but we can plug the memory card into our printer and get the pictures off that way. It's just a lot easier to do it with the cord. Anyway, here are some pictures that have been sitting on the camera.These are just some pictures I took one day at lunch. Tolan was super messy and Logan just wanted his picture taken too.
These birds are so annoying. They are all over the place here and one day the entire population decided to land in our neighborhood. This picture doesn't even do it justice b/c this is just one shot of straight ahead, but it looked like this up and down the street. I hate those birds.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Camera Cord

I know I need a new, more interesting post. As soon as we find the camera cord I will post something!