Logan got tagged like a week ago, but I haven't had a chance to post it yet. So, finally, here's Logan's tag:
1. Logan loves cars, trucks, motorcycles, construction equipment - anything with wheels pretty much. He got a new shirt with a bunch of trucks on it one day and I told him we had to wash it
and then he could wear it the next day. I thought he would forget. First thing he said the next morning was "TRUCKS!" and ran for the closet to get the shirt and then he pointed to his shirt all day long reminding me that it had trucks. It still remains a favorite.
2. Logan loves sports. Ball was one of his first words and he still loves them, but now he can
differentiate between all the different kinds. We can't go anywhere near the balls at the store without him leaving kicking and screaming. One day we got him a new full-size basketball and he insisted that he sleep with it for several days afterward.
3. Logan loves music, especially guitars. Justin plays the guitar, so I think that has something to do with it. We got him his own kid sized guitar for Christmas, which he does like and can strum on surprisingly well, but he still prefers Daddy's ukulele. If theres a band or anything playing on tv he has to have his guitar. He also loves to dance, which I haven't been able to catch on video, despite several attempts. His favorite song is the ChaCha Slide by Casper. The song starts out with a beat and the guy says "funky! funky! funky!" So when Logan wants to hear the song and dance to it he will bounce his head and say "funky! funky! funky!" - except that he's 2 so he doesn't say it quite right and he leaves out the 'n.' We are just hoping that he doesn't want to hear the song when we are out in public.
4. So far all of Logan's favorites have been pretty typical for little boys. As far as I know this one isn't. Logan loves clothes. "Shoe" was his first word. He gets excited about new clothes and shoes and insists on picking out his own clothes every day. He also likes to change his clothes several times a day. I have heard moms of little girls complain about this, but I've never heard of any other boys that love to change their clothes. He also often insists on wearing different hats, shoes, jackets or other accessories - even when it's hot outside.
5. Logan is obsessed with XBox. Justin has a 360 and he really doesn't play that much, but you would think that he plays for hours every day based on how much Logan is obsessed. As soon as Justin comes home from work Logan is all over him, "xbox! xbox! xbox!" And if Justin does play, Logan has to have his own controller and headset (some old headphones) just like Daddy. He also will run as fast as he can in a little panic to find whatever toy he has that will match the game - if it's a basketball game he must have a basketball. If its a racing game, he must have his car. If it's a golf game, he has to have golf club, ball, and a hat just like Tiger Woods.
And I tag Carter W.
Cute! I laughed out loud when I read the "funky" part but without the n. That is too funny. My aunt said her nephew called Kentucky Fried Chicken, "Fruky Fried Chicken" but w/out the n too. Yeah, I would hope he didn't do it outside the house either!:)
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