Friday, April 4, 2008

Giving in to the Blog

So we've had our other website ever since Logan was born and even after the blog rage began we've just kept it b/c that's what we had and that's the web address everyone already knew for us. There are things I like about our babyhomepages and things I don't like. I don't like their backgrounds and I don't like that I can't tell a whole story along with a picture. I can only write a sentence or two.

But I didn't want to get a blog b/c everyone has one and they don't seem to just have a picture gallery or anything, which is one thing I like about our other page. Plus, I didn't think that I had enough things to write about for an actual "blog." But I love looking at other people's blogs. I tend to get a little bit consumed by it sometimes (esp. when they have links to other people's blogs) and I keep finding myself wishing that we had one. I also keep thinking of things I could have written about during the day. So when I found out that blogspot was FREE (Babyhomepages = $18/year) and that our babyhomepages expires in May, I figured now was a good time to transition. So here I am. I've given in. I have a blog.


Kathryn Palmer said...

Tolan looks just like you, and Logan looks just like Justin. What cute boys.

Kari Hancock said...

Claire Celeste... did you know that you have the EXACT same layout that our blog has?!?!?! How crazy is that?? Welcome to the blog world. I can't wait to stalk you now.. LOVE YA!!

Mindy said...

Welcome, welcome! I'm glad you gave into the blog pressure. ;)

I love those pictures of your boys!

Ty and Em said...

You look SO good! Especially for having had two kids. I'm still a boat, trying to shed the 60 pounds I gained with Jack. Any tips? You guys should come to Idaho this summer! We could rendezvous in Island Park, perhaps!

Jaime said...

You have such a cute family claire!! Please add us go your blog, I would love to stay updated!

The Boyle's said...

Yay! Giving into the blog is fun :-) I didn't realize you had one until this week. Now I can see your adventures in Austin!