I was cleaning up after dinner today and walked past the laundry room and saw something like this:Logan had climbed inside our washer. Not sure how. But he was having a great time. The washer is an LG, which I am pretty sure stands for Life's Good. And life was good for Logan as he discovered that the he could rock the whole drum back and forth, and was having a great time rocking around in there.
I don't think he did any damage, but its one of those times where you hesitate to take a picture b/c you don't want to encourage him to do it again - or do it to his little brother. Don't call CPS, I'll just have to keep the door shut on it. It closes pretty tightly; I even have to give it a good tug to open it, so I doubt he could open it.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
LG = Life's Good
Posted by Claire at 9:16 PM 5 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tolan's Birthday
The dinosaurs are a hit! Thanks mom!
Posted by Claire at 10:18 AM 7 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tolan is ONE!!
His actual birthday isn't until tomorrow, the 12th, but its going to be a busy day, and I wanted to get a post in for his bday. We won't get do the whole deal tomorrow with the cake & presents & everything so I will post pictures when we do. But until then here's just a little bit about our little Tolly.
(As proof of his growth, notice that he is now wearing the same clothes his big brother was wearing the day he was born)
A little bit about Tolan & his first year:
Some names he goes by around our house: Tolly, Tonan or Tony (these 2 are Logan's) and Dirty Sal
Favorite foods: bananas, goldfish, cheerios. (Pretty standard for a 1-yr-old, but unfortunately, this is about all I can get him to eat.)
Things he likes to do: climb up the stairs, "play ball," wrestle with Logan, push cars around, and lucky for me, sleep!
Little known fact: Tolan loves any kind of drink - milk, water, juice, etc. He will find any sippy cup he can, throw his head back, and just chug it
Favorite items: his blanky and his binky
Favorite noises to make: any spitty or gurgly sound he can managae to make with his tongue, and he also does an ear-piercing shriek
Words: mama-mama and sometimes dada
One of my favorites things about him: his laugh. he has a great belly laugh. I also love the face he makes when he is concentrating:
Some of my favorite pics:
Happy Birthday Tolan!
Posted by Claire at 2:20 PM 3 comments