Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Vampire Child

So, Tolan has 3 teeth on the bottom and no sign of his front teeth on top. BUT, he did have the canine tooth on the top right come in and now the one on the left is coming in, but still no sign of the front 2. Hopefully they will come soon or I will have a vampire child! I can only wonder - is this punishment for reading those all-consuming vampire books when I was pregnant with him???

If so, oh well. They were good reads and I'm sure his front teeth will come in soon enough.


Kathryn Palmer said...

I just borrowed these from a friends. Hear they are all the rave. Looking forward to finding out for myself. sure you can't wait for the last on to come out!

Lydia said...

Hey Claire, that is too funny. Your little vampire child. I love it. You definitely need to take some pictures and post them. I would love to see it.

Karmann said...

I love this post!! Too funny to have them go hand in hand.

Ty and Em said...

Claire, wasn't one of your roommates in college named Brecken? I think her dad worked for Harley Davidson or something? One of my friends was talking about a girl named Brecken, and I thought maybe it might be the same girl.

~ Joy ~ said...

Hey Claire!

This is a great post. Do you have Breaking Dawn?

Whew, the wait is over.

Hope you and your family are all doing great!