Sunday, September 14, 2008

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson

This is a picture of Logan in the car today before and after church.

(Luckily, he didn't insist on wearing this into church)

Later on in the day we got an email from Justin's parents with some pictures of his dad on his new motorcycle.
Like grandfather, like grandson I guess.
While we were fishing that picture of Logan off the cell phone, we uploaded the other ones too. Here are a few old, random ones:This is another thing Logan insisted on wearing. He wore this hat & mittens for at least 3 days straight this past week. We're in Texas....its still in the 80's & 90's outside.

Ready for some xBox

This is Justin next to a giant shopping cart, with a motor

This is what happens at 6:00 when you have 1:00 church & no nap

Cruising around Home Depot


Karmann said...

You have the cutest boys! I love the picture of the goggles just like grandpa! To cute!!!