Evidence of Santa:Every year Justin's family gets together on Christmas Eve. I knew it was an old tradition, but apparently it is a 40-year-old tradition! We have lots of yummy food, including a variety of fish which is the Italian tradition. We also have a gift exchange. Here is Ella in front of the tree with all the gifts.
our kids
Justin's grandparents have both passed away, but these are their great-grandchildren that were there this Christmas Eve. Hailey, Madison, Tolan, Logan & Ella.
And here are our kids at home, all ready to go to bed so Santa could come!

Logan and Tolan were very excited for Christmas this year and were very interested and curious about Santa. They both had lots of questions about Santa this year. One day Tolan was kneeling in front of our gas fireplace for a few minutes just staring at it. I had no idea what he was doing. I thought he was going to take some of the rocks out of the bottom or something. But after a couple minutes he put on his confused face and asked me how Santa was going to get in through our fireplace b/c it's all closed up. He was very confused and concerned. A couple days later in the car they were pointing out all the houses that didn't have chimneys.
Ella is sooooo cute!
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