For the past six weeks or so since Tolan's injury, he's been going around like this:Every other day we would take off the band-aids, rinse with saline, apply the wound powder and put on three new band-aids: 2 criss-crossed over the tip of the finger and one wrapped around his finger.
In-between bandage changes, the band-aids and the finger had to stay dry. So that meant covering with every meal and especially for baths. So he's been taking his baths like this:
It looks pretty good and will probably continue to heal some more and possibly get a little more length as he gets older. We'll just have to see. But we've come a long way!
In-between bandage changes, the band-aids and the finger had to stay dry. So that meant covering with every meal and especially for baths. So he's been taking his baths like this:
Two socks and a baggie held on with an elastic drawstring. I just wash him and get him out before it gets wet. There was no playing in the tub for Tolan.
We were also going to the plastic surgeon for a quick check up every 2 weeks...and I really mean quick - literally 30 seconds (and $25) to say, "looks great. come back in 2 weeks." We went in yesterday for his check-up and his finger was healed enough that we don't need any more band-aids! Yay! Our life just got a lot simpler!
And incase you were wondering, here's how it looks:
It looks pretty good and will probably continue to heal some more and possibly get a little more length as he gets older. We'll just have to see. But we've come a long way!
I'm so glad everything is going okay. It looks much better than I was imagining! He can still play violin with a finger like that. :) I know Justin was hoping for football or something else. I'm sure he could do that, too, if he put his mind to it.
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