Thursday, December 25, 2008

The End of the Dinosaur

We got a new camera for Christmas - woo hoo! So I'm finally pulling these last pictures off of our old dinosaur of a camera.

Justin's birthday was a month ago, but these are the peanut butter cup cupcakes & card I made for him.

Here are some of the cinnamon roll Christmas trees I made again this year. I made 10 this year - I was supposed to make 14, but ran out of time and had to make something simpler & less time-consuming for Justin's HT families. They weren't shorted though - they got chocolate chip cookie dough brownies, it just wasn't as Christmasy.

I will post Christmas pictures later!


Melanie said...

sign me up to be one of Justin's Home Teachees :)

Laura said...

We are so lucky, we got a cinnamon roll Christmas tree and some choc. cip cookie dough brownies from ya! Are you trying to make me fat?:)They where so yummy!!! hope you had a great Christmas, see ya later.

essigsnews&views said...

Wow the Christmas trees are terrific. I want the recipe, they look so yummy! You are amazing!