Monday, October 27, 2008

New Pictures

We still haven't found the camera cord, but we can plug the memory card into our printer and get the pictures off that way. It's just a lot easier to do it with the cord. Anyway, here are some pictures that have been sitting on the camera.These are just some pictures I took one day at lunch. Tolan was super messy and Logan just wanted his picture taken too.
These birds are so annoying. They are all over the place here and one day the entire population decided to land in our neighborhood. This picture doesn't even do it justice b/c this is just one shot of straight ahead, but it looked like this up and down the street. I hate those birds.


Carrie said...

I hate those birds too! Did you read my post about the one that flew in to my patio door and was looking in at me? CREEPY!
I would be freaked out if there were that many of them in my neighborhood. I get freaked out if there are more than 4 in my backyard.


Kathryn Palmer said...

Holy cow! That would be annoying. It looks like they are trying to take over!

Saralyn said...

Tim calls Texas birds mangled rats with wings. It's so true.